Dental Technician Schools

dental lab technician

Dental technician schools provide the best way for an individual to become a dental lab technician. Lab technicians fill prescriptions from dentists for crowns, bridges, dentures, and other dental prosthetics. Studying in an accredited school provides a formal education based on the latest dental procedures and techniques. Accredited schools are responsible for ensuring all standards which apply to dental lab technicians are taught to students and they emerge as competent dental lab technicians.

The overall quality of education provided by all U.S. accredited dental schools on this list is high. While there are publications which provide ranking information for dental lab tech programs, this information can often be misleading and is therefore, unreliable for most individuals. One of the best measurements of a dental lab tech school's academic performance is through its accreditation status.

The Commission on Dental Accreditation has developed accreditation standards for dental lab technician programs which are reviewed periodically and revised as necessary. The Commission expects that one of the goals of a dental lab tech program is to prepare qualified individuals. Accredited dental lab technician schools must design and implement their own outcomes measures determinants in order to fully assess if the goals and objectives of the program is being met. Results of theses ongoing, documented assessment processes must be used to evaluate the program's effectiveness in meeting its goals, to improve program quality and enhance student achievement. Unless noted, all programs listed on this list of dental lab technician schools have adequately satisfied the requirements set forth by the Commission on Dental Accreditation and are given the accreditation seal of approval.

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Graduates of dental lab technician programs receive either an associate degree or a certificate. Graduates of 2-year training programs may need additional hands-on experience to become fully qualified. There are also a few programs that offer a four-year baccalaureate program in dental technology. In most cases, a high school diploma or its equivalent is needed to apply to an accredited dental lab technician school.

Dental Technician Schools - US and Canada

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